Im I Pregnant or Is My Body Going CrazY ?!?

Question by coconut: Im i pregnant or is my body going CrazY ?!?
im not sure if im pregnant or if my bod is just going crazy 🙂

* well as of today im 19 days late.
i took a test after 9 days and it said i wasnt pregnant.
but i still do not have my period.

***** also i ve had “symptons” but they could just be from me wanting to be pregnant. including:
~crazy mood swings (they have always been bad but way way worse lately)
and just plain OVER emotional
~i wanna eat constantly but when i go get the food sometimes in that little time i decide it doesnt sound good anymore
~nasous but no puking
~body aches and overly tired
~~ and the weirdist one is my crave for sex(oral especially) ALL the time. – not that my fiancee minds lol 🙂

please help. when should i take another test, see a doctor or wat do you think it is?

Best answer:

Answer by Gtrgtrvtr
its natural

Answer by Pumpkin Buttz
You have all the symptoms of HIV AIDS.

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