If ALL Prescription Medications Were Allowed to Become OTC,Would We Really See a Major Increase in Drug Abuse?

First off, a certain percentage of the population will always abuse some sort of drug legal or illegal. The controlled prescription drugs, (Vicodin, Oxycontin, Xanax, Valium etc), if these drugs were available at the local Wallgreens but without a prescription, would we then have a nation of drug addicts? It seems to me that, yes, initially we would see an increase in problems, but because of the now OTC status of these drugs, we would not see the major criminal aspects involved with obtaining the illegal variety, because people would now have a steady supply, and not need to go on the streets. Now obviously this is similar to just legalizing all curentlly illegal drugs,(cocaine, METH etc.), but these drugs have no acceptable medical value,and are very dangerous, so they shouldn’t be legalized. But the medications that DO have medical value, could perhaps be available OTC, and maybe this would cut down on the abuse of the illegal variety. What do you think?

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