I Smoked a Joint of Marijuana and Now I Am Major Depressed and Nothing Will Snap Me Out of It. Is It Permanent?
Question by Denfer Bouutte jr: I smoked a joint of marijuana and now I am major depressed and nothing will snap me out of it. Is it permanent?
Ive tried nearly every antidepressant and I dont respond to any. I am going to get electroconvulsive therapy soon despite the dangers of potential memory loss. I am asking though if this is permanent?
I smoked it 4.5 years ago. I had to goto the emergency room and I was freaking out with a panic attack. no, i was not depressed when I did it. After it all happened though thats when I did become depressed by all my thoughts being negative ones and now I just cant snap myself out of it with any medicine.
Best answer:
Answer by Caidyn
Yes it is, that’s what u get for smoking weed idiot
Answer by doody
When did you smoke it? Where you depressed before? The thc and cannabiniod content of pot can vary greatly. These differences in potency can affect people in very different ways. There is no reason why this would be a permanent problem. If you are depressed from the pot it should go away after several hours. If you continue to be depressed, it’s not the pot.
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