I Need to Get Off Vicodin HELP!!?
Question by Nicole: i need to get off vicodin HELP!!?
i start a job in a few days. ive quit before and went to the hosp for bad withdrawls but i cant do that now. i seriously get so bad i wont be able to work at all. i throw up and shake, i get horrible restless legs and i even feel like things are diffrent in my head. i know it sounds bad, i told myself i would never take them again because i didnt wanna be sick and stuck in bed for a week again, but i did soo now i can either continue to take them and be ok, and freak out when i dont have any, or be soo sick my family will know im back on them. what can i take to help with the withdrawls?? i cant even sleep at night, so i take vicodin during the day and 7 tylenol pm so i can go to bed. HELP BUT PLEASE BE SERIOUS I CANT GO BACK TO THE DOCTOR FOR THIS I NEED ADVISE TO TRY THIS ON MY OWN
Best answer:
Answer by FreeSpirit
As with all addictive compounds, going cold turkey is horrible. If you can’t do it, you need to start cutting your pills. Some pills even have a little dent in them to make them easier to cut. Cut them, and take them in lower and lower doses. They’re hard to cut, but it will make the withdrawl symptoms lighter, and you will eventually get over it. It’s actually a narcotic, addictive, dangerous stuff – NOT WORTH THE HIGH
Answer by lala
Do you have a friend who can stay with you all night? Someone that has to be really strong because you will be going through a lot of pain. Your friend has to stay up and make sure you don’t take any pills. The first night without it is always the hardest, but if you know you can get through one night, you can get through more. But knowing you need to stop is the first step. Good luck.
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