I Just Don’t Get Why Such Talented, Rich People Abuse Drugs/alcohol and Die From It!?

Question by greendaypunkmom: I just don’t get why such talented, rich people abuse drugs/alcohol and die from it!?
I suppose the “you can only help those who WANT to be helped” term will come in……but for, like, these celebrities who have tons of money and refuse to use it to help themselves and their families makes me nuts!!!
I guess it’s because I have depression and can’t afford medical treatment—I would give anything to be able to afford help!!
From Jim Morrison to Kurt Cobain to Michael Jackson….etc….etc…..I honestly don’t understand.
Can anyone enlighten me or make sense of this??
**Sorry, Ozama…..but I have no idea what you mean. Why should I ask poor people why rich people refuse to use their money to get treatment? If I wanted to do that, I would have looked in a mirror and repeated the question out loud….

Best answer:

Answer by Ozomba
Why don’t you ask the poor folk that do drugs? Maybe they can shed some light on this.

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