I Have a Drug and Alcohol Addiction and I Can’t Stop?

Question by puffer fish: I have a drug and alcohol addiction and I can’t stop?
I am addicted to all sorts of drugs and alcohol as well…I am 21 and I’m going to college and doing pretty well in school but I think this addiction is starting to bring me down. I tried rehab twice since I was 15 and didn’t work…I tried therapy but it didn’t help…I had a hard life and my family sucks…I rarely see my dad (he left my mom when I was young) and I don’t get along with anyone in my family except for my cousins…I don’t know what to do because when I go out, I do drugs and drink but I have no self control to stop…I already got fired from work for not showing up and I miss classes all the time…I don’t know what to do?

Best answer:

Answer by Mark
Don’t listen to people like Lost Wolv, who just make it harder for you to stop and make you more depressed. Just keep going to rehab. A lot of people need to go to rehab more than once or twice. Just don’t drink or do drugs, but go to rehab again, please.

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