I Cut Sugar Out of My Diet Because of the “Sugar Addiction” Theory – Has Anyone Else Lost Weight Doing This?
Question by EILISHA: I cut sugar out of my diet because of the “sugar addiction” theory – Has anyone else lost weight doing this?
I am 120 pounds over weight and started cutting the sugar out of my diet (meaning candy bars, ice cream, adding sugar to my meals and anything else).
I have been on only natural sugars such as fruit and honey and such. I have also been avoiding sugar free options such as equal and saccharin and diet sodas.
I have lost about 3 pounds in less than 2 weeks. Has anyone else experienced weight loss from only cutting sugar out of your diets? So far as the abstinent ideas, I do feel better with the sugar out of my diet, maybe even more alert.
Has anybody else experienced this? Let me know…
Best answer:
Answer by Blunt Smoker
just cutting sugar out won’t do much if you’re still eating too much… fad diets are so damn stupid.
find your maintenance calorie level and eat 200-300 cals under that.. followed up with EXERCISE.. cardio… lots of it
and lots of water..cutting out your liquid calories is easy just stick with water
Answer by heartfruitsalad
You’ve probably lost weight because cutting down on sugar will also cut down on the calories.
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