I Am in AA and I Dont Like to Celebrate AA Birthdays or Get Too Involved?

Question by e3z8q0: I am in AA and I dont like to celebrate AA birthdays or get too involved?
I spent a lot of time in AA before and my life was miserable. I used to go to meetings all day every day, chair, work on sevice committees, share my story, sponsor other people and I lived 7 years miserable. I never felt good. I had problems all the time. I was harmed by a lot of bad advice. I believed things from people that I should not have. I have worked the steps 20 times with about 10 different sponsors and sponsees. Actually more that that. I mean I drugged my poor handicap child through all of these meetings and celebrations. I have had so many recovery people in my life and I made myself sick with being sick. I relapsed two years ago and I stopped after 4 months and I dont go to many meetings maybe 1 a weekl. I dont share my story, I dont sponsor, I dont chair, I dont use my name, I dont celebrate any aa brithdays, I dont talk to anyione outside of the meeting.( Rarely) I am very selected with who I give my phone number too. I have a sponsor that don’t make any meetings and hasn;t dranked in over 30 years. I have a lot of friends that quit and dont go any meetings. Most everyone that I know and associate with is very wealthy, sober and lives pratically stress free . I have too many problems with recovery people because of my financial status and what I do for a living. “I live a good life with little to stress over. The less I do for AA the better I feel. Its hard to not be able to give more support but I feel better not doing all that. I did it and still ended up drinking so now I dont get that involved. I have over a 1 and a half and I dont celebrate I just give God thanks from the puplit for keeping me clean and sober for His purpose. I love the life that God gave me and I give back from my heart to those that he sends to me. I was recently ask to join an AA celebration and I declined I didn’t know that God had something scheduled in the place of it. It made me feel better to know that he is looking out for my well being. I understand that I have a disease and it has to be arrested first. In order to keep my gift I hath to give it away.I just thank God for allowing me to see that I can take care of myself by not doing too much.

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Answer by ♫Melodical~Muse♫
Is this for real? What is your point or question? What are you asking or attempting to tell us here? Please clarify!

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