I Am a Drug Addict and I Really, I Mean BADLY Need Your Help Please?

Camille asked:

Here’s the story:

I am a total drug addict. Now, me and a few friends (including my connection) were caught and wiped clean and given one more chance.
We blew it.
So now I’m at this rehab place (they let us keep ONE electronic when we were sent away and I kept my Mac) and I am in desperate need of help.

I NEED something, anything, I just need some drugs. I really don’t care right now, my body is shaking and my blood feels ice cold.
My supply has totally run dry and and I need some more.

I can call my connection, to, get me some.

I will call it total quits after I pop just one. (I have done that before.)

I would do without it except I’m alone in my room and I’m scared. I’m shaking and freezing and dizzy and I know it’s because I need some more.

Please, help me. Oh what should I do? I’m scared and I need something…
Apparently you’ve never had drugs.

It’s not that easy!!
I am serious! I’m really scared!

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