Husband Is Prescribed Suboxone, Want to Have a Baby?
Question by : Husband is prescribed suboxone, want to have a baby?
My husband and I are talking about having a baby, we are wondering if his prescribed suboxone medication could cause his sperm to be “addicted” to it and cause us to concieve an addicted baby or cause birth defects. I do not take any medications and am drug free. Full points to the best answer with sited links so I can read the article. Thank you!
Best answer:
Answer by oldgoat
Laura, you guys are fine, go at it. Suboxone’s action takes place on the opiate receptors in the brain, it doesn’t come anywhere near or in any way affect the reproductive system. While it would not be passed along in sperm, if a breast feeding mother is using it it’s possible for it to come across in breast milk, but even so it’s a class C pregnancy drug (drugs have separate pregnancy “grades” running from “A” meaning no potential for harm to a developing fetus to “D” meaning if the mother needs the drug badly the risk outweighs the increased potential to a developing fetus. Most drugs fall in to category “C” which means a health mother needing this medication should have no complications. There’s also a class X which means you should probably not attempt to conceive and a class N meaning no real studies have been done. But that’s for the mothers, I mention it just so you know there is some kind of benchmark out there to cover your concerns.
As far as Dad’s go, particularly with opiates, synthetic or otherwise, The drug only lasts a period of hours (though Suboxone is a hanger-on-er) but it doesn’t affect the semen, just the brain and liver which is the organ that eliminates it. One thing narcotics do do that may make pregnancy problematic is they cause low testosterone in men. But if he’s go sufficient libido to do the job, put him to work. You can find all this stuff in places like Wikipedia, any number of medication related sites like, but I was thinking even better than any of those would be Planned Parenthood. You gotta have more questions than just this, and they have the answers. So no developmental problems and only if Mom is an active narcotics user, will baby be born addicted too. You know what they give an opiate addicted baby, like when mom is hooked on heroin or OxyContin? They give them Suboxone.
Best of luck to mom, dad and baby for a joyful (and painless for you) experience. May he or she grow up to be President some day or better yet, a job that pays some real money! Good Luck and nothing but happiness…
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