How Would You Feel in My Situation? What Would You Do? How Would You Deal?

Question by huvik: How would you feel in my situation? What would you do? How would you deal?
So….. I’m 17. When I was 6, my druggie alcoholic violent father, left me, my 4yo brother, my mom. He just vanished. A few years later, had twins by another druggie, abandoned them a month after birth (they’re now adopted to great parents I’m in contact with).
A month ago, he contacted the family again. He’s in prison for drugs&grand theft auto, after being on the run for a few months.
He sent me a letter. First contact in 10 years. Says he’s getting out in a month, moving back near here. He said sorry, and all he did was blame it on the drugs and did not AT ALL own up to it and take responsibility to the damage he caused. He kept saying “I had a terrible disease called addiction” and shit like that. Says he’s sober now.
Yeah I know drugs are tough shit but at some point you need to own up to what YOU let happen!
It makes me angry and upset that he finally tries, it makes me question his motives, doubt his sobriety, and all the obvious feelings….

Idk what I’m asking, ADVICE?!

Best answer:

Answer by hermione_granger1996
He’s moving NEAR your place, right? Not necessarily back in.
If he doesn’t own up, that’s not your problem. He apologized, at least. So even if you don’t forgive him for what he blamed it on, at least he regrets hurting you, and said he was sorry. Best of luck.

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