How to Stop Drinking Through Tried and Tested Online Alcohol Addiction Help
There are quite a lot of different treatments that deal with the problems related with alcohol addiction. The treatments available for such problems can be put into the following categories…medication to reduce withdrawal symptoms and stop alcohol cravings, professional counseling to support relationship issues and education and Alcohol Addiction Help.
The previously mentioned methods are normally the ones that are recommended although a new drug has just come onto the market called chemical Revia [formerly Trexan], Vivitrolnaltrexone. This drug is normally administered by the form of an injection about once a month , but it is also available now as a pill.
The way Naltrexone works is by confusing the part of the brain that is responsible for making us feel good while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. It basically numbs the pleasure effect that alcohol gives us and can be either taken on its own or as a combination drug with other alcohol dependence drugs.
To be most effective in treating alcoholism Naltrexone works in conjunction with counseling. Most studies show that Naltrexone significantly reduces your chances for relapse after you have stopped drinking.
Unfortunately this drug is not always 100% effective especially on certain men who have suffered from alcohol dependence big time or over a long period of time. Naltrexone is no different to any other drug and can cause side effects like fatigue, dizziness and nausea and it can even make you feel nervous, sleepy or anxious.
If you need alcohol addiction help or you know someone he does then make sure that a doctor is consulted before taking this or any other drug. Remember that alcohol is the only addiction drug that can actually kill you by giving it up, so I would like to one again reiterate the point that you need to visit your doctor beforehand to get the necessary initial Alcohol Addiction help.
Need Help To Deal With Alcohol Addiction? Take a look at this Tried and Tested Alcoholics Anonymous Online Alcohol Addiction Help Written by Ed Philips and learn how to Help An Alcoholic Quit Drinking In Under 21 Days….