How to Quit Smoking Weed How to quit smoking weed may not be so straightforward for many chronic users. Whilst it’s true that marijuana is not addictive for some, for many that’s not the case. And quitting marijuana can become a serious issue. Chronic use leads to dependence. Heavy users may find themselves not knowing how to quit smoking pot, and suffering weed’s side effects. In answer to the question “is smoking weed bad for you”, the answer is yes, at least for those who are hooked. Although heavy pot use doesn’t do the brain any damage, as Jayden points out in this video, it does lead to an emotional addiction, and to a lesser degree, a physical addiction. The emotional addiction is the hard part to overcome. Chronic users don’t know how to stop smoking pot. And the cry for help goes out “I’m addicted to weed”. Yes, smoking weed is bad for you. Chronic smokers may find themselves in a vicious trap where they use pot to help alleviate the very symptoms weed addiction creates. Sebastien Grant is a marijuana addiction expert and offers an affordable program on how to quit smoking weed. The program involves first introspection and self study to understand the causes of your addiction. And then planning ahead to beat it and once and for all quit smoking pot. If you understand your emotions, you’ll be in the driver’s seat. You’ll be able to overcome weed withdrawal and learn how to stop smoking weed cold turkey, as many of Sebastian’s clients can happily testify. This is quitting weed

John Henry drags a few of his own skeletons out of the closet in examining three major facets of the US drug problem. In this first video of a three-part series, we discuss the first of those problems: lack of public awareness of the different kinds of addiction and the risks of each. Sorry about the wind noise. I did the best I could to edit it out. If you are NOT watching this on LowGenius.Net, please stop by the blog entry here: There is important information and correction to be found there. I welcome and encourage all comments, feedback, sharing, etc.

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