How Much More Dangerous Are Illegal Drugs Like Marijuana & Cocaine Than Cigarettes?

Question by Bella: How much more dangerous are illegal drugs like marijuana & cocaine than cigarettes?
I need some statistics comparing several dangerous drugs to cigarettes for a report for school. Plus any links to where you got the info? Thanks a bunch!!! =)

Best answer:

Well let’s see. For one thing you can go to jail for possessing illegal drugs, so for they won’t jail you for cigarettes. Constant use if illegal drugs such as cocaine, and cannabis, will destroy your body slowly over time, or perhaps kill you if at any point you did one too many hits, and or pills, or any illegal drug, you just never know. It could be your very first attempt at these drugs or your 10th or whatever, you just don’t know! Just watch some T.V. specials, such as Dateline, or CNN, the latest craze they keep talking about is meth or crystal(?). Have you ever seen a picture of these addicts..not pretty. Also is it worth losing everything you have, and especially your family to get “high”? Now I am not saying cigarettes are OK, it seems nicotine is the hardest drug to stop. Of course there is always lung cancer from smoking. I have no statistics just an opinion. You can go online google illegal drugs or cigarettes and I am sure they will have many statics. Either way both category’s are not good for you. Too many kids fall into the THIS IS SO COOL CATEGORY..It’s not. IT MORE COOL, to be healthy and alive.

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