How Long Can Feelings of Depression/paranoia/anxiety Last After Meth and Ecstasy Use?

Question by dzpnoiz2die4: how long can feelings of depression/paranoia/anxiety last after meth and ecstasy use?
Well, I was a heavy meth and ecstasy user. I’ve been clean for approximately 3 months. I was on both drugs for, at most, a year. Since I’ve quit, lately, I’ve been having symptoms of:
DEPRESSION – worthlessness, irritable, not happy, lost of appetite, insomnia, tempermental
ANXIETY – extreme fear of little things (thinking too hard) and end up having panic attacks,
PARANOIA – having this unusual fear of people around me talking bad of me.
The intensity of these symptoms I’ve mentioned was, I’d have to say, at it’s peak about a month ago. I really thought I was going crazy. But I got my job back and I’m going back to school and getting my life straightened out. Things are getting better, but I feel like I have to talk to others who can relate or seek advice from people who give good advice. The symptoms I have affect my every day life and I just want to know if these feeling will ever go away and how long they will affect me. Anyone??? Talk to me…….. What’s your input.

Best answer:

Answer by heariam660
?????? know idea

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