How Do You Get Rid of the Smell After Puking Through Your Nose?
Question by Solace: How do you get rid of the smell after puking through your nose?
After drinking plenty from an unhealthy beverage containing ethanol (never doing that again) I got tipsy and consequently puked. But I puked so hard, that it came out of my nose. It’s been 3 days since the incident, and the smell from puking through my nose still has not disappeared. The smell is a mixture of mostly alcohol and something I can’t quite put my finger on (perhaps remains of my puke). I don’t feel like there is anything lodged in there, so there is nothing to blow out, and I even tried to snort water up my nose until it hurt, but it didn’t do anything.
Is there something I can do? Or is it something that will eventually go away and for now have to suffer with?
Best answer:
Answer by Newton Lai
I think that it will just go away eventually but im not sure cause im no expert lol sry but i think u;ll just have to wait
Answer by Mao
“Snort” water up your nose to clear it out.
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