How Can I Stop My Addiction to Marijuana?

Question by jstew6987: How can I stop my addiction to marijuana?
I have been smoking for about 10 months now and I have never smoked a cig in my life. Just marijuana. When I wake up in the morning I feel like I must smoke that day and when I don’t smoke I get mad. is there something I can do to stop this addiction?

Best answer:

Answer by raina
How long has it been since you smoked? give it a week at least and then your desire for it will diminish. Like with all addictions, try to fill up your time and focus on other activities. Otherwise you will do the usual things that you do and that could easily trigger you to crave it even more. Like, if you sit and watch Tv or play video games and are used to smoking at the same time, then don’t play video games for a week also to avoid triggering yourself to use. get out of the house, stay in the public, where you cannot just get stoned at will. Take B complex vitamins and drink lots of water. Also, detox tea and fiber pills to take out the excess fat, as THC is stored in the fat cells. Lose weight by exercising, which also releases endorphins (feel good substance in the brain). If you are self-medicating with Marijuana to diminish any sort of depressive feelings, then I recommend getting on antidepressants.

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