How Can I Stop Formication?

Question by Hongjun Laozu: How can i stop Formication?
i think Fornication is something sexual,i mean Formication (Bug crawling sensation)
i’ve had it for 2 years,but doctor said its in my head….if i FEEL it & you can even SEE skin moving,its NOT in my head!!!!
Can someone help please? its torture!
Maybe theres ppl having sex under my skin 0.0

Best answer:

Answer by Dick
Fornication is sex for pleasure.. I am sure as hell you don’t have people having sex under your skin.

Answer by Elizabeth
You may want to be blessed (I suggest anything Native American) because I believe you may have a spirit contacting you. Try talking to it, asking what it wants… Put cameras up when youre asleep see if anything funny happens at night.

If you are more logistical..
Try getting hypnotized. The brain really can make you think those things but usually if youre schizophrenic. You have nerves all over your skin and something is making them react. Whether your brain or something paranormal… Try muscle relaxers/pain killers to ease the torture.

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