How Can I Slowly Detox From Opiates Without Horrible Withdrawls?
Question by Megan: How can I slowly detox from opiates without horrible withdrawls?
Mostly tramadol, codiene, oxy, and vicodin.
Best answer:
Answer by Heretohallp
I don’t know the best way to put this, but to slowly detox without having horrible withdrawals may be something that won’t work. Now from what I know to detox slowly from opiates without getting medical help is to slowly cut down on the amount you intake daily. Eventually you get to the point where you’re not taking anything at all. That’s the only way I can see detox not having “horrible withdrawls”. But you’ll still have some. In my honest opinion if you really want to get clean, you must go through the horrible withdrawals. Yes it may be rough, but its what it takes. Cold turkey it, rough it out, beat the addiction. The hours of being sick, and not knowing what to do with your life will all be worth it in the end.
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