How Can I Detoxify My Body the Natural Way?

Question by : How can I detoxify my body the natural way?

Best answer:

Answer by answers
You could probably fast for a day or so and drink a herbal detox tea. I believe there are lots of religions that do it this way.

Answer by Kaviju
Drink lots of water (no other liquids), and eat no meat for a week.

OUR OPINION: Stepping out of drug addiction's shadow
Your response to our editorial calling on Governor Deval Patrick to create a special task force to coordinate efforts at the federal, state and local levels to combat drug overdoses is among the most overwhelmingly swift and passionate we have ever …
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"That is a significant change from a few years ago [when] about 70 percent coming into detox were for prescription drugs. … Now, 60 to 65 percent are for heroin." The center has 40 beds in its detox area where addicts spend five to seven days. During …
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Catholic Charities of Madison, WI – Alcohol and Drug Treatment — Kelly’s story about how he is overcoming alcoholism with the help of Catholic Charities’ alcohol and drug treatment program at North Bay Lodge.

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