Heroin Users: Heroin Addiction

Heroin is widely known as a highly addictive illegal opiate. This drug is derived from some morphine which is extracted from the seeds of poppy plants. Heroin is usually whitish or brown in color and has a very high street value. Much like cocaine, heroin is often cut with cheaper inert compounds to maximize profits for dealers. Sugar, starch, quinine and even powdered milk are all commonly used for cutting pure heroin. This uncertainty that always surrounds the purity of heroin is the cause for many fatalities that result from heroin overdoses. Many heroin users consume the drug intravenously to minimize waste, although this means of delivery has some inherent problems. The risk of infection and the transmission of hepatitis HIV/AIDS and other diseases that are transmissible by blood can easily occur among heroin users. Usually this is due to sharing of needles and unsanitary equipment, thus prompting many governments around the world to instigate needle exchange programs.

Today the drug remains quite popular and appears to be hitching a ride on the coat tails of Club Drugs, which accounts for a huge portion of drug users. The 1998 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse estimates that 2.4 million Americans have used heroin at some point in their lives with a sizeable number claiming to have used the drug at least once in the past month. Although somewhat less effective, the new generation of heroin users is more prone to smoking, snorting and sniffing heroin rather than injecting. I guess at least part of the health warning message has been getting through.

The median age of heroin users today is much lower than in previous decades, which is further evidence that heroin use may be closely linked to popularity in Club Drugs. Even though sniffing, snorting and smoking heroin does allow users to avoid the dangers associated with intravenous drug use, this method of delivery still results in a high level of addiction. The intensity of the initial “rush” or “hit” is less intense and more gradual but the principle of addiction assures that these means of heroin use still have a high propensity for future problems.

The author is a regular contributor to [http://www.rehabinfocentre.com] and permission to reproduce this article is given only on the basis that all links remain active and intact.

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WELSH TOWN TALES Documentary series filmed over a year, following the stories of people living in and around Llanelli. This once-mighty industrial town struggles to survive the chill winds of recession. With bankruptcy looming, the local firm of Spencer Davies Engineering tries to stave off the receivers, Pembrey Airport attempts to expand the local tourist trade, and a different side of Llanelli is shown through the experience of one family who have lost a son to drugs. Heroin addiction is plaguing our society as heroin addicts have to fund their heroin habits. The path of addiction start much earlier on in someone’s life. Cigarettes are definitely a gateway drug and normally opens the door to cannabis. I really believe that cannabis is the most deceptive drug that there is. We all know that heroin kills people yet cannabis sends a message that it is an okay drug, well it is not. For most heroin users once the heroin is out of their system they then have to learn recovery techniques to overcome their habitual practises and remain consequence free from the drug. Yet when you give up cannabis the THC in the drug deposits itself in brain cells and you can suffer from flashbacks and panic attacks years later. Cannabis is not a safe drug…Cannabis is not a safe drug… Cannabis is not a safe drug….This video is designed to encourage you whether you live in Wales, England, Ireland , Scotland or anyone of those countries in the “United kingdom” or even mainland Europe. There



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