Heroin Addiction Dubai – Rehab in UK Available for a Change of Life

Rehab for heroin abusers in Dubai do better in the UK, further from the traffic. According to recent news from Interpol, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the heroin industry was valued at US $ 64.82 billion annually. Interestingly enough, 90% originating from Afghanistan and the overwhelming majority is trafficked through Dubai.

Over the last few years the Dubai police have taken initiative and made some efforts to try to counter drug misuse in the area by providing assistance in drug rehab however my research tells me that their success has been limited. Although offering free rehab, many addicts are not taking up the offer and of those that do go to “treatment” in Dubai, most participants have quickly fallen back into drug misuse.

Dubai’s Answer To Successful Heroin Rehabilitation May Be In The United Kingdom

The UK offers a drug-free rehab program not available in Dubai. Let’s face it. We are all in this together and our global community is getting more and more entwined. Recent statistics put the number of drug addicts in the Arab world at 10 million. World wide it is 212 million users between the ages of 16 to 64. Long gone are the days when we can ignore drug abuse in others because they are mere strangers. We need to take a global approach to resolving global problems and this means opening our eyes to the world wide addiction epidemic that surrounds us. We must share our strength and resolve to help those of us who have fallen too far into the mire and who need that helping hand.

How Do You Measure Successful Heroin Rehab?

Successful drug rehab should be measured by the number of people who safely come off drugs and stay off drugs for life — no substitutes.

Let’s talk about heroin withdrawal. In my experience, it is the fear of the extremely painful withdrawal that is one of the barriers. Addicts are grossly afraid of heroin withdrawal of which the reactions are extreme physical and mental symptoms including restlessness, aches and pains in the bones, diarrhea, vomiting and severe discomfort. It has been described by many as a terrifying experience that begins to torture the body within hours of the last fix. Put this together with the pain of the other conditions caused by the damaging effects of drug use and it is very scary indeed.

For these reasons it seems easier for the addict to choose a substitute such as the commonly used and medically prescribed Methadone, and Subutex now also available on the streets of the UK. Subutex is often referred to as a “subby”. Here’s the trouble with this. Both are also highly addictive and carry their own set of withdrawal symptoms. In actual fact, many who move to these substitutes often end up going back to heroin in addition to the “legal” substitutes.

Effective Drug-Free Heroin Withdrawal Is Being Accomplished Everyday

Thousands of heroin addicts have found the courage to trust in a group of professionals who have mapped the route to a safe, relatively pain free and definitely effective method of heroin withdrawal in the UK — that insures no future need for heroin substitutes. Further along the route takes them on a journey to lifelong freedom from drugs altogether. Only then can a person successfully live life. As we help our neighbour, a stranger – that person can help another. Together, we can help each other live happier lives and achieve freedom from drug and alcohol abuse in the UAE, the UK and the world.

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Paula Dewar is a mother and professional rehab consultant who has saved a dozen drug abusers and their families. She lives in the UK with her family. Paula speaks English and Portuguese.

PS: See why addicts keep relapsing despite rehab and find out how to prevent relapse. Go to http://www.detox-narconon.org

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Malaysia mosque a source of hope for heroin addicts

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by Anuradha Raghu, Last updated May 04, 2012 KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) – For 30 years, Feisal Fakharudin lived a heroin addict's life, sleeping on streets, getting into trouble with police and rotating in and out of drug treatment centers.



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