Help Convincing My Mum to Let Me Get Help?

Question by Puzzled: Help convincing my mum to let me get help?
Hi everyone, so if you have seen any of my other questions – you will know that I’m a fourteen (almost 15) year old girl struggling with depression and self harm. I am trying to convince my mother to let me go to this place, its about a days drive away, but takes people with similar issues to myself and has an extremely high success rate with recovery. I want to get better, I really do. I have told my mum I self harm, but she doesnt know how or how often (I cut, and its almost every night) it has become an addiction, its always somewhere in my mind. I want this help, but she is weary about sending me to a “rehab”, maybe she doesnt think its serious enough. Things ARE getting worse, sometimes cutting isnt enough. What can I say to my mum to help convince her?

I have been to the doctor and was diagnosed with depression and an adjustment disorder..

Best answer:

Answer by Julesrules
I am sorry. I’m sure things will get better, although you really do need to get some help. You need to ask your mum to sit down with you to have a serious talk. Or you could go to a doctor ith your mum and the doctor might influence your mum to let you go.
Good luck with it ll. And i really do hope you get better.

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