He Spied a Piece of Pizza That a Meth Addict Left Sitting on a Lamp Post.

Some cool meth addict images:

He spied a piece of pizza that a meth addict left sitting on a lamp post.

Image by Malingering
After reading Nietzsche, of course.


Image by ScottSimpson
We picked up a hitchhiker in Vegas. She was really vague about where she was going, and her backpack smelled kind of funny. The kids like her, though, so we’ve offered to let her stay with us while she sorts her life out. I’m sure I’ll have more Penny stories soon—she’s a real character! And probably a meth addict.


Image by land_camera_land_camera
ghetto leg scars and sweet 8 dollar clearance shoes from target. i’m a compulsive bug-bite scratcher. in the summer i end up with dozens of brown spots all over my legs where i get bitten by mosquitos, spiders, fleas, whatever is around. (i’m delicious, apparently.) they itch so bad, and then i scratch and scratch, and they get raw and scab over. gross! then the scabs fall off and i am left with these brown scars, they look like bruises and people are always asking me "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR LEGS!?" and it’s just like DUDE I JUST SCRATCHED THEM A WHOLE BUNCH. i try really hard not to, that shit just itches hella bad. there are a lot of faded scars on my legs that aren’t really showing up in this picture but they’re still around.

anyway, long story short: i’m not a meth addict, and i don’t fall down every five seconds. i usually wear leggings every day anyway so it’s not like anyone ever sees it.

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