Hawaii Heroin Drug Rehab | Hawaii Island Recovery


Hawaii Heroin Drug Rehab | Hawaii Island Recovery – http://www.hawaiiislandrecovery.com Call 866-515-5032 Are you looking for a heroin drug rehab? Is your addiction out of control? We can help. We specialize i…


Prescription drug addiction among women on the rise

Filed under: drug addiction program

BILLINGS – A report by the Centers for Disease Control shows prescription drug addiction among women is at an all time high, finding that an average of 18 women in the U.S. die every day from overdose on prescription pain killers. Healthcare …
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Judge hopeful about drug court

Filed under: drug addiction program

John Kasich's signing of House Bill 59 last week includes a $ 5 million addiction treatment pilot program for drug courts in Crawford, Franklin, Hardin, Mercer and Scioto counties. The program will treat up to 500 offenders in each county over a two …
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New Substance Abuse Program in Harlan jail

Filed under: drug addiction program

Thirty men are part of the Harlan County Substance Abuse Program in the jail. The inmates to learn how to overcome drug and alcohol addiction and not use crime to support the habit. "Helping me learn how to change my behaviors so when I do get out, I …
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