Has Anyone Heard of Protracted Withdrawals From Street Drugs and Anti-Depressants?

Question by Jonny M123: has anyone heard of Protracted Withdrawals from street drugs and anti-depressants?
I was wondering if anyone had any information personal,studies, or anecdotal about protracted withdrawals from street drugs and anti-depressants. What I mean is the idea that drugs get trapped/absorbed into your fat cells while using them. In times of stress, weight loss, etc. these drugs can go back into your bloodstream and cause symptoms like depression, anxiety, and nausea. There are some drug treatment programs that actually use sauna treatments to remove these fat cell drugs. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by mramell48
Only if the drug itself is fat soluble. Check to see which is water soluble and fat soluble. The fat soluble drugs might hang in the fat cells quite a while, but as far as actual withdraw, i doubt it. If you want to feel real withdraw get addicted to heroin. The rest of them are childs play in comparison. Any other withdraw will be a walk in the park. Ive been on all types of drugs over the years but will never take anti-d’s again and have been a heroin addict too.
Most just leave after a few days or so. Heroin sticks around for what seems like eternity especially after several years of use.

Answer by canada_winnipeg_man
The human body is programmed to tackle low-level toxic attacks. Our bodies can detoxify potential carcinogens, or repair genetic damages. The protective mechanisms are repair, cellular shedding, detoxification and dietary antioxidants. The human body is quite capable of detoxification if it is fed with adequate water and fiber.

Water is the main detoxifying agent in our body. It helps us to clean our skin and kidneys, and improves sweating through exercise. Many of us are chronically dehydrated, and doctors recommend a minimum of 8 glasses of water daily.

The next step in natural detoxification is a raw-food diet. This means consumption of more fruits and vegetables and less of proteins and fat rich red meat, milk products, refined food and fried food. Adding fiber to your diet will help to detoxify your system regularly.

Another important component of natural detoxification is regular exercise. Exercise relieves toxins from the body by sweating and also helps in good bowel habits. Exercise improves our general metabolism and helps with overall detoxification. Aerobic exercise helps to maintain a well-toned body.

Regular bathing helps the body to get rid of toxins that accumulate on the skin, and also opens the pores. Saunas and oil massages help the body to cleanse completely.

Some natural therapists also recommend therapy such as colon irrigation, which means cleansing the gastro-intestinal system of waste and toxic debris using water. But some are of the view that fasting and colon cleansing are not required for detoxification. Ultimately, it is a matter of personal choice.

Protracted withdrawal from alcohol, hypnotics, psychostimulants, and other agents is a real syndrome with real treatment implications,It’s a very challenging and complex field.Diagnosis and treatment are challenging because protracted withdrawal can mimic other psychiatric disorders. The exact incidence of protracted withdrawal syndrome is unknown, but researchers say it affects a sizable minority of addicts and alcoholics. “And it has treatment implications,” he said. “If you’re not treating a protracted withdrawal that is there, [the patient] will relapse.”

Protracted withdrawal syndrome can develop following chronic use of alcohol, sedative hypnotic agents, benzodiazepines, opioids, street drugs ,psychostimulants, and nicotine,
The use of a sauna should be an important part of any detoxification program. The sauna increases the eliminative, detoxifying and cleansing capacity of the skin by stimulation of the sweat glands and also promotes healthy skin tone and texture due to increased blood circulation. http://www.oxygenhealingtherapies.com/intro_steam_sauna.html

Take care always

Protracted withdrawal: sensitization of the anxiogenic response to cocaine in rats concurrently treated with ethanol.

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