Hangover From the 9th Level of Dante’s Inferno.?

Question by LeeleeBizzle: Hangover from the 9th level of Dante’s Inferno.?
So Friday night, I drank a little wine. Not too much, maybe about 3 or 4 glasses and ended up getting absolutely plastered, threw up, went to sleep. The next day, I didn’t just have a slight hangover but one that lasted ALL DAY. Normal symptoms, plus a fever, shakiness, heart palpitations, not being able to hold down any food or medicine without running to puke every 5 minutes. And mind you, I threw up until 10PM Saturday Night.
The bloody internet said I had “Alcohol Withdrawal”, which is definitely impossible because I am not a frequent drinker.
Definitely wasn’t drugged. I was at my own house. But I’m very petite and only weigh 95 pounds so alcohol has a much stronger effect on me

Best answer:

Answer by Evelyn C
It probably wasn’t a hangover, you probably just got a 24-hour bug or something like that. Yeah if you’re a lightweight and were in your own house you probably just got sick because these symptoms sound more like a virus than a hangover. If you’re not feeling better you should go see a doctor if you can

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