Had Congress Ever Legalize Marijuana for Medicinal Purposes?

Question by anarchy0029: Had Congress ever legalize Marijuana for Medicinal Purposes?
What would be your response?

I am personally for legalization of marijuana for medicinal purpose and have no objection if the federal government decide to legalize it. But tell me your response if this had happened.

Best answer:

Answer by miss.marky03
this already has happened in several states..and I am totally for it. I think is should be legal everywhere!

Answer by erich/mh
First, to correct miss.marky03: No, cannabis has *not* been legalized in any states in the US. Perhaps she meant another country?

There are, however, some states have passed bills partially decriminalizing cannabis posession. Which means it is still completely illegal, but you won’t go to jail for life for having a few grams of weed. It is a good start, but there is a long way to go before anything you could remotely call “legalization” or a “sensible drug policy” is achieved.

My response? This should happen and quick. I personally believe in a total repeal of prohibition of all drugs. Prohibition kills, makes the sick sicker, and presents a powerful lure for the kids that Congress and other groups attempt to protect. Instead of fixing or improving core problem of drug abuse, they introduce a myriad of new problems to society, and they like to make them worse every year with some new untested idea based in ideology rather than experience.

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