Good Candidates for Crystal Meth Rehab

Good Candidates for Crystal Meth Rehab

Not everyone is successful with crystal meth rehab.  In good programs, almost 30 percent fail rehab programming and go back to using crystal meth.  Rehab is a difficult thing to do, especially if you are dealing with crystal meth.  Crystal meth wrecks bodies, lives and livelihoods, perhaps more than any other commonly used drugs.  Good candidates for crystal meth rehab are those who can go through the program and can be successful.

What does it take to be a good crystal meth rehab candidate?  There are several things.  The person must be physically able to go through detox safely and should have few severe side effects from crystal meth use.  This means that they may have rotten teeth and a recessed jaw but they don’t have severe lead poisoning or AIDS from injecting crystal meth.  Rehab can work on the mind and body but can’t take back the fact that a person has developed AIDS from IV use of the drug.

Crystal meth rehab candidates must be really motivated.  The person may have lost their job and be on the outs with their family but must know that they have reached rock bottom and have no other choice but to go through crystal meth rehab.  They must know that there is no place to go but up and must be able to do the hard work to get there.  They need to accept that cravings are a part of the process but need to be prepared to go through them, knowing that there is no choice but to get better. 

Family and friend support makes for a good crystal meth rehab candidate.  The more support they have on the outside, the better are the chances of success.  Family support can mean that the person has a good place to stay after going through crystal meth rehab and has friends to turn to when things get difficult.  The person who has lost all friends and family through the ravages of crystal meth use has a difficult route to follow as going it alone is extremely difficult.

There is a mindset to the person who is successful at crystal meth rehab.  They must not give up regardless of how difficult the process is.  They must have a strong sense of character and self-confidence, even in the face of undergoing a great deal of difficulty.  Crystal meth rehab takes a lot out of a person and a good candidate is looking toward the future; they are expecting success and will achieve it at all costs.  

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