Genetics to Solve Why Ozzy Osbourne Is Still Alive

Drug sharing a problem for WV
In West Virginia, where prescription drug abuse and the subsequent consequences have increased 300 percent in the past decade, more than 60 percent of prescription drug abusers say that family and friends are helping further their addiction.

Read more on The Huntington Herald-Dispatch

Hap LeCrone: Alcohol abuse can be major problem for elderly adults
Alcohol abuse is a major problem for older adults. With the number of baby boomers increasing, this problem is expected to increase. Late-onset alcohol abuse occurs in about one-third or more of older adult alcohol abusers.

Read more on Waco Tribune-Herald

Genetics to Solve Why Ozzy Osbourne Is Still Alive
The mystery of why rocker Ozzy Osbourne is still alive after decades of drug and alcohol abuse may finally be solved, reported The London Sunday Times.

Read more on Fox News

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