Genetic Predisposition to Alchoholism?

Question by Tiana: Genetic predisposition to alchoholism?
This has always sounded like bullshit to me. I dont understand how, you becoming addicted to alcohol makes your child genetically more likely to have alcohol abuse problems. Especially if the child is already born when your addiction begins.
Now I would understand if;

A. By genetic predisposition this meant that something in the DNA of the original drinker left them more susceptible to habits, addictions or addictive behavior,

B. Maybe skip the whole genetic part and this means that something about being a child watching your parents drink makes you more likely to turn to drinking later in life.

Anyone got any science to explain this to me? Or to help me understand in general?

Best answer:

Answer by Kat
NIDA researchers identified clusters of genetic variations in 51 chromosomal regions that they believe play a role in alcohol addiction through cell-to-cell communication, control of protein synthesis, regulation of development, and cell-to-cell interactions.
The human genome consists of approximately three million base pairs of DNA in each set of chromosomes. When researchers find differences in the sequences of DNA pairs they are genetic variations, which can play a role in a higher or lower risk of contracting diseases.

“The observations from this study provide a graphic display of the close relationships between genetic vulnerability to alcoholism and genetic vulnerability to other addictions,” says Dr Uhl. “Ongoing and future studies will help us to identify how the variations in these candidate genes contribute to differences in addiction vulnerability.” “We know that vulnerabilities to substance abuse involve complex traits with strong genetic influences,” adds Dr. Volkow. “Finding ways to identify who is most physiologically vulnerable to addiction will be a tremendous step towards more effective prevention and treatment approaches.”

Answer by AmyithistNichole
I don’t know about science, per se, but my husband is an alcoholic; as was his uncle and his grandfather on his father’s side and his grandmother and great-grandmother on his mother’s side. I, on the other hand, do not have any relatives that are alcoholics and I don’t have any type of addiction. It’s very strange to me… I thought it was bullshit, too…until I met my husband.

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