General Information About Medical Marijuana?
Question by Beo: General information about medical marijuana?
First off, anyone that complains that weed is a ‘bad drug’ or any of that crap, I will report you for harassing me. Once I finish getting my growers license, marijuana will replace 4 to 6 pills I have to take every day due to a deteriorating nervous system and significantly improve my cognitive function (which sounds somewhat ironic) and quality of life. It is a long story to explain and I’d rather not do so.
Okay, question time. I recently got approval from both my doctor and my neurologist to apply for a growers license so that I can self-medicate with MM as it will replace my fibromyalgia drugs, depression drugs, migraine drugs, chronic fatigue syndrome drugs, dyspareunia drug, and lower the amount of anti-convulsants and other epilepsy-related drugs I need to take. Whereas the benefits from my pills last 12 to 24 hours with their side effects lasting 1 to 5 days, a small dose of marijuana gives me the same benefeits lasting for 2 weeks with it’s extremely more mild side effects lasting 6 hours to a day. Ironic as it sounds, smoking pot will help me finish getting my degree and BSc. with flying colours.
I know what it is, how it works, it’s history, etc, and the information isn’t for me. Before I can fax my ‘hey my patient can grow pot now’ paper to the necessary people, I need to have a suitable area to grow it in. I have a wonderful garden… but I live with my parents and they won’t allow me to use a section of the garden for my own uses until they know everything they can ablt MM. I know a lot but my pills make it difficult for me to explain things to people, particularly a large subject such as this. If anyone else has a growers license and can find a way to explain how MM works that an older couple would understand, that would be fantastic.
Okay since people seem to be so interested…
My serotonin receptors didn’t grow to full maturity in the first place and now the ones that can even slightly work are having their ability to function deteriorate because of some weird unknown growth defect thing that has no medical term that happened when I hit puberty. When I hit my ‘growth spurt’ neither my nervous system, cartilage, ligaments or tendons grew – just my bones. I developed a condition similar to arthritis when I was 12 and was nearly immobilized my pain and in a wheelchair when I was 13. When I was 14 I was put on glucosamine/chondroiten supplements and my health improved dramatically. When I was 15 though my first significant drop in serotonin levels resulted in me developing depression. I was medicated for that, but after my levels had sufficiently dropped again I developed FMS/CMS. I was medicated for that. Then my levels were dropping again and I developed epilepsy (which is partially genetic, but I didn
didn’t develop the type that the rest of my family has) and was medicated for that. The other things I mentioned had cropped up at various points and I was put on more and more medication for all of them too. My hormones aren’t in flux as much anymore now so the that I’m 20 but I’m still slowly losing my ability to use serotonin. I’m also nearly flunking out of university because I’m taking so many pills I can’t think strait anymore.
Also, I had to endure rigorous and painful testing because people thought doctors were misdiagnosing people. I was crying by the end of the physical sessions from having been prodded so much and spent nights awake on the couch because my spine was still feeling residual pain from when they drew fluid from it. I spend every second of my life with at least two areas of my body in agonizing pain, with the slightest touch feeling like a punch, and with real injury feeling like I should be in shock from the pain. Do not even think of telling someone with fibromyalgia that they’re imagining it or they’re not really in pain – until you’ve ever gone though what we go through on a daily basis you have no right.
Best answer:
Answer by Julius
I’m not sure i can but check out
Answer by justusveritas
My recommendation would be to find out why you are having these symptoms, rather than trying to treat them. Get to the root of the problem, which, given your ailments stated above, are mainly emotion-based.
If you do decide to take this route, just know MM doesn’t make you better, it just gives temporary relief. Here you go:
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