Gay Men, Eating Disorders and Crystal Meth Addiction

Gay men are a population who are at-risk for body image and eating disorders. Gay men are susceptible to anorexia, bulimia, muscle dysmorphia, and exercise addiction. Gay men are likely to work out for appearance reasons, while straight men are likely to work out for health reasons. One reason for body image concerns is for social approval and social acceptance in the gay community. For this same reason, gay crystal meth addiction is at an all time high. Crystal meth can be used to try and maintain a certain body image, no different than anorexia or bulimia.

Additionally, research has shown that appearance is highly important in dating situations. Gay men place an emphasis on physical attractiveness in partners and dates. In straight couples, straight men place an emphasis on physical attractiveness too, while straight women look for other qualities as well. Hence, a man who does not meet cultural standards of attractiveness still can enjoy a likely dating life due to other reasons. But for gay men, this may not necessarily be so. Gay men both seek attractiveness and have attractiveness sought in them. Hence, a predisposition to eating disorders, amphetqamine addiction or crystal meth addiction that gay men feel can provide physical attractiveness.

Body image and eating disorders are partly due to internalized homonegativity (homophobia). Recent research has revealed that high internalized homonegativity is congruent with a negative body image. Such links may lead to disorders such as compulsive working-out, anorexia, or bulimia.

If you are looking for a gay friendly eating disorder program, gay friendly drug rehab or gay friendly drug detox, you can call the national addiction treatment helpline at 1-800-99-DETOX or go to

Jonathan Huttner is a principal with Lakeview Health Systems a drug and alcohol rehab, which operates Freedom Rings, a GLBT friendly drug and alcohol rehab.

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