For Any Dual Diagnosis Bipolar Plus Heroin Addicts Out There?

Question by Annie: For any dual diagnosis bipolar plus heroin addicts out there?
We have a family member that is struggling with a “dual diagnosis” — bipolar disorder and substance addiction. Drug of choice is Heroin, but will take whatever is available.

As members of this person’s concerned family we’d like to know — from somebody who had the same problem — what helped you? This person is a late-aged teenager, has been through multiple residential rehabs (months in duration), only to return to home (to intensive outpatient, psychiatrist and personal counselor support, along with NA meetings) and do it all again. All of us in the family are ready to get off this roller-coaster of horror and the parents are ready to withdraw all support and let this young adult sink or swim on her own, as they’ve exhausted the family finances and fear for the rest of the families’ safety. This is a nice middle class educated family, not abusive nor others in the immediate family with addiction issues.

If you have been this teenager and are currently doing well, we’d love to hear from you — while we know every situation is different, we’re out of ideas. Honest and sincere suggestions would be deeply appreciated.
18 years and we’d love to have court initiated treatment (although currently in residential yet again by their own choice) but this person, when clean and even when using, is very intelligent and can speak quite logically to the court. No way to gain control because if incompetence…and we’ve tried the police and they can’t help either. They said “it’s illegal to possess drugs but not to take them” so if they “only” find her high, there’s nothing they can do. Jail would be a relief to all of us, but this person has never been caught.

We’ve been in the group support for the past year, but not currently. We’re kind of burned on on teaching tough love to the new folks and regardless of how tough we all are, she’s not better. I fear this person has lost the ability to live at the parents’ home and none of the rest of us will volunteer our home. We know what would happen. Robbed blind and drug dealers coming to the house.

Best answer:

Answer by Btittney M
there really isn’t much you can do..the person has to WANT to change there ways and if not there is not a thing you can say you can try to help but alot of times this just pushes a person to feel more feelings of guilt and want to kill the pain (with drugs). this is not true in all cases which i feel the family stepping in might be affective however since he drained your family expenses etc etc i do feel it’s beyond your helping capabilities and his recovery depends soley on himself. it’s realy sorry to say because i am sure that he loves you all however when you are a drug addict you don’t think of the people your hurting or the things that might happen to you the ONLY thing on your mind is were to get your next fix and how your gonna get your gonna scrounge up enough money who you can steal it from what you can pawn and sell who u can mouch off of etc. then once you have it all your worries go away. so his bioploar disorder might have a huge role in why he takes the drugs to stop certain feelings from occuring and stop his mind from thinking or sometimes to alot of recovery doctors feel a need to label drug addicts with a certain mental illness i feel simple becasue they do not fully understand addiction themselves. either way i think that even thou it’s hard mabye loosing the support of his family might be wat he needs to reflect on his life when theres no one to turn to and hit a new low. I no your concerned so this would be dificult but when all else fails i suppose it might not hurt to try. good luck!

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