Finding the Best Treatment for Pain Killer Addiction
If one is physically dependent on a pain killer, sudden stopping of the drug may result in negative consequences. And a person exhibits compulsive behavior to satisfy their craving for a pain killer or pain medication even when there are negative consequences associated with taking the drug. 2.2 million people aged 12 and up first abused painkillers within this past year. That is more than the number of people who started using marijuana and it has overtaken the use of cocaine.
If you’re addicted to pain killers or other drugs or think you might be, start working to increase the body’s endorphin production naturally if you can. Some of the ways are laughing, touching, massage, acupuncture, acupressure, walking and anything that makes you feel good that’s natural. There are a number of effective treatment options to treat pain killer addiction to prescription opioids and to help manage the sometimes severe withdrawal symptoms that can accompany the sudden stopping of the pain killers or drugs. Many other drugs can interact with the opioids and cause a variety of symptoms and that can be fatal.
Addiction to pain killers is a rapidly escalating problem today, especially the abuse of opioid pain killers. Often people who are addicted to pain killers are plagued with various symptoms. Many times they don’t associate the symptoms with the drugs they are taking. Chronic pain affects one out of every three or four adults and millions of people suffer from severe or even crippling and disabling pain.
Common side effects and adverse reactions of pain killers are nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, dry mouth, contraction of the pupil, orthostatic hypotension (blood pressure drop upon sudden standing), which often happens when arising too fast when getting out of bed in the morning, urinary retention, constipation and fecal impaction. Addiction is both a biological and psychological condition. There are many side effects and adverse reactions that can occur with the use of pain killers.
Once a patient who is addicted to pain killing drugs, has completed detoxification, the treatment provider must then work with the patient to determine which course of treatment would be best for the patient. Many chronic pain patients may be under-treated as a result of doctors who are trying to gain control over pain killer addiction, it’s often reported. If you think you’re addicted and want to get off a pain killer or other drug, it’s best to get detoxified first as fast as you can and then go through some type of rehabilitation. It’s important to have others you can lean on and learn from and who will offer support to you.
You must decide to leave the routine responsibilities of your life for a week or two or suffer the inevitable outcome and bad health effects of prolonged drug addiction. If you don’t have insurance, check with your local mental health agencies to see what is available that’s free or at little cost. Many insurance plans do cover inpatient detoxification so check your plan if you do have insurance.
All the other demands of children, a job, school, or any other responsibilities may make inpatient treatment seem like an intrusion. It’s important to get help and not try getting off any pain killer on your own. There are many pain killer addiction treatment facilities or centers throughout the United States, Canada and the rest of the world.
It’s important to remember that when people first start taking pain killers for an acute or chronic pain condition, they don’t intend to become addicted to it. Researchers are steadfastly working on different ways to optimize pain relief while reducing the risk of accidental drug abuse, including the reformulation of certain drugs. So if you think you have an addiction to a pain killer, think about getting detoxed and treated as soon as possible. You can do it. Set your mind to it and make a plan of action. Many thousands have done it.
For more information on pain killer addiction symptoms and pain killer treatments go to specializing in pain killer addiction with nurse’s tips, help, quiz, blog and resources including information on pain killer treatment centers and natural addiction treatment