Fentanyl Q&A

nurse/pharmacy assistant Your bodily organs pack up! You will be high as a ******* kite. Fentanyl (fentanyl citrate) ?(also known as Free) brand names include Actiq, Duragesic, Fentora, and Sublimaze[2] ?is a synthetic primary -opioid agonist commonly used to treat…

Has anyone used the fentanyl torment patch?
Does anyone know anything about the patch or something that is similar to it without all the risks? – The fentanyl patch is a strong cramp relieving patch that is released over time, usually changed every three days. No matter what medication there is, there are other risks and side affects listed and associated. But it…

Having dental surgery and will given the drugs versed, fentanyl, and diprivan. What demand are they given?
I understand that the diprivan will put me to sleep, but I was not sure what the other drugs did. – The versed is an anti-anxiety drug very similar to Valium and is usually given 1st (at least within my office). The fentanyl is a…

Help next to Fentanyl Patch…Serious Answers solely?
I have recently been prescribed the fentanyl patch because of chronic Pain. The only piece is though is that it doesnt seem to be working very well at all. In certainty it feels as though I am not on any pain medication because my pain levels are through the roof right very soon. I am a heavyset woman…

More Fentanyl questions please visit : DrugsFreeFAQ.com


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