False Arrest?

Question by Neil: False arrest?
I had a verbal arguement with my kids mom, the neighbor called the police. I was inside my house , had few beers when the cops arrived they said whats going on. I told them we were arguing and I told the told the police that I don’t wanna talk to u guys anymore. They asked my kids mom that if I touched her which she said no. They arressted me saying that I was drunk in public which I was in my front yard. When I looked at their computer, the officer put down “domestic verbal abuse” and ” I was breaking things in the house” which was not true. I spent a night in jail. They never tested me for alchol. Also she was being a b i t c h with on her way to jail. My question is “Can I sue her and the police department.” She was definately abusing her power. When i was released from the jail they never gave any paper that if i have to go to court.

Best answer:

Answer by davidmi711
“Can I sue her and the police department.” – Basically, no. Your story does not add up. They don’t have to give you any paper about when you have to go to court when they release you from jail. They do not have to do an alcohol test unless they plan on prosecuting you for exceeding a limit, such as when driving.

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