Drug Sharing a Problem for WV

Dramatic Rise in the Proportion of Older Americans Admitted for Substance Abuse Treatment from 1992 to 2008
New admissions data show sharp increase in the proportion of older Americans being treated for illicit substances such as cocaine, heroin and marijuana.

Read more on Newswise

This Week’s Show: End the Drug War
40 years ago, President Nixon declared a war on drugs, but what has it achieved? Police forces that increasingly resemble paramilitary forces, breaking down doors, holding families at gun-point, killing the family dog…over small amounts of marijuana. Drug gangs are funded by the high profits that come from black […]

Read more on FOX Business Stossel’s Take

Drug sharing a problem for WV
In West Virginia, where prescription drug abuse and the subsequent consequences have increased 300 percent in the past decade, more than 60 percent of prescription drug abusers say that family and friends are helping further their addiction.

Read more on The Huntington Herald-Dispatch

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