Dr. AR Mohammad Appearances on ABC TV

Dr Mohammad appeared on ABC News show to explain about addiction and treatment. He is the founder of Malibu Horizon Drug Alcohol Rehab Treatment Center www.malibuhorizon.com
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Sung at an intimate and very low light house concert in the Ghent section of Norfolk, Cesca wowed the audience with her moving, classic blues voice and potent lyrics. On guitar is Shon Thompson. You have to wait for camera flashes to get a glimpse of mysterious Cesca. Cesca Janece Waterfield is a journalist, songwriter, singer, musician and poet based in Richmond, Virginia. Her professional portfolio reflects a commitment to addiction and treatment issues, as well as human rights issues involving women and girls. As a songwriter and musician, Cesca has been selected three times to receive songwriter grants from The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP). Her poems and fiction have appeared in numerous literary journals. She is founder of www.EveInHand.net, a Feminist adult arts and culture publication.

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