Dos Anyone Know How to Relieve Extreme Pain in Abdomen if You Have Sclerosis of Liver?

Question by : dos anyone know how to relieve extreme pain in abdomen if you have sclerosis of liver?
sclerosis, cronic pancreatitus, enlarged spleen plt are 52, alt and als are 288&236 i am developing extreme right side pain under rib cage and abdomen, no energy stools are white quite often and i cant get V.A. to do treatments. They say my platelets are too low and my wbc is 2.8, my rbc is 3.7 I dont know where to go to get treatments or relief of any kind and it has changed my moods, character and life drastically. Ive lost my wife who didnt care and i have gotten very depressed and angry at the world in general. Dos anyone know of a place i can go for support, friendship, relief or help of any kind, thank you

Best answer:

Answer by abijann
If you are unable to work…you may look into going on short term
disability with your company you work for. This can turn into
long term disability, if needed. It depends if they had a disability
plan that you paid into or your employer did. If you cannot work,
you may be able to try and sign up for Social Security disability
at the Social Security office. IF you are very low income…you
may also apply for SSI and Medicaid.

You need to be seeing a gastroenterologist or hepatologist now.
No patient is usually turned away at any emergency room. If
you are low income, then talk to them about whether you can
work something out to pay or if they have lower cost payments
because the government funds them to help people out.

There are free clinics:

There is also patient advocacy
Patient Advocate Foundation
Solving insurance and healthcare Access problems:

HRSA–Health Resources & Services Administration
Federally funded health center. You pay what you can afford, based on your income.

Type the name of the state you live in, and “Transplant Center”
after that. Many transplant centers have a website on the
internet. You could contact the Transplant Center and ask them
about what may be available for you.

There are many sites on the web where they help patients pay
for medications:
Needy Meds
RX Assist (Patient Assistance Program Center)
Free Medicine Foundation
Drugs for the uninsured:
Kathy Webster-:Dispensary of Hope
(888) 428-HOPE (4673)
[email protected]

There is a group on the web for Cirrhosis patients.
They are dear people who are willing to help each other:

The liver makes bile, which flows through tube like structures,
known as ducts. Bile contains a pigment known as
Bilirubin. It is a greenish/brownish substance. Bile flow from
the liver to the gallbladder and from the gallbladder into
the common bile duct to the intestines. Bile emulsifies the
fat we eat so that it can be digested and absorbed.
If the bile/bilirubin is not reaching the intestines, then the
bowel movement will appear lighter in color to almost a
grayish white. Different thing can cause a blockage of
a bile duct: a growth, stone moving into it from the
gallbladder, malformation of the ducts, an infection.
However, if tthe liver cells are damaged and cannot
convert the bilirubin into a soluble form to become
part of the bile…this will also cause the bowel movement
to lose color.

You definitely need to see the physician as soon as possible.

Hope this has been of some help. Best wishes

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