Does the DEA Lie While Research Concludes That THC Has an “Anti-Tumoral Effect”? Why Is Tabacco So Inverse?

Question by Steven G: Does the DEA lie while research concludes that THC has an “anti-tumoral effect”? Why is Tabacco so inverse?
Tobacco smokers in the study had as much as a 21-fold increase in lung cancer risk. Cigarette smokers, too, developed COPD more often in the study, and researchers found that marijuana did not impair lung function.

Tashkin, supported by other research, concluded that the active ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, has an “anti-tumoral effect” in which “cells die earlier before they age enough to develop mutations that might lead to lung cancer.”

The simple answer: Marijuana is not nearly as dangerous or effective as Tobacco, and politicians have lied to you about it, along with drug and tobacco and alcohol companies.

However, the smoke from marijuana did swell the airways and lead to a greater risk of chronic bronchitis. – However, this is temporal and is avoided by cooling down the smoke.

Best answer:

Answer by Blessed Cheesemaker (cancelled)
I forget…..anyone have any doritos?

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