Does My Liking for Certain Musicians Have Anything to Do With My Sign or Chart?

Question by Phyllis Newman: Does My Liking For Certain Musicians Have Anything to Do With My Sign or Chart?
Hello all.

Date of Birth: October 28, 1985
Time of Birth: 3:00 AM EST
Place of Birth: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

I’m a fan of many different musicians, and various music genres. But just recently I’ve noticed a common theme among a lot of the musicians I like. They’ve either led dramatic lives that led in tragic suicides, murder, or just some really bad life-altering event that changed their life for the worse. Here’s an example:

Teddy Pendergrass, R&B singer — Was involved in a car accident in 1982 that nearly killed him, paralyzing him from the waist down {Is still alive, quite the contrary to what people think!}

Marvin Gaye, R&B singer — Was killed by his own father on April 1, 1984 after being shot twice

Phyllis Hyman, R&B singer — Committed suicide in the mid-90’s via sleeping pills and vodka

Karen Carpenter, Pop singer — Died of anorexia

Selena, Latin singer — Was killed by her obsessed fan club president/friend after 2 gunshots

Patsy Cline, Country singer — Died in a plane crash

Ritchie Valens, Rock singer — Died in a plane crash

Donny Hathaway, R&B singer — Committed suicide by jumping from the balcony of his hotel sometime in the 80’s

Dorothy Dandridge, Opera singer — Died of an accidental {?} overdose of prescription medicine

Rick James, R&B singer — Died of a heart attack

Isaac Hayes, R&B singer — Died of a heart attack

David Ruffin, R&B singer {member of the Temptations} — Died of cocaine overdose

See what I mean? I know my sign of Scorpip rules Sex, Death and Transformation, but come on..That’s just weird. LOL. I’m also a fan of certain serial killers and criminals, but I just chalked that up to the natural detective/criminal justice interest thing that comes with the territory of being a Scorpio. This music thing really gets me, though. Don’t get me wrong, I have plenty of favorite musicians who are very much alive, but this list is like my ultimate faves. Is there a reason why I seem to be drawn to musicans/artists who have led such dramatic lives, only to have them end so tragically?


Thanks for reading and posting.

Best answer:

Answer by Torbellina
Quickly, I saw that many of the artists you listed as your top favorites had at most Arian, Cancerian, Libran, Aquarian, or Piscean influences in their charts. With many you share a Venus-Uranus aspect which is a common aspect between artists and their utmost fans. But on whole I am not sure.

Considering many died from O.D., that is a Piscean influence, which is interestingly on the cusp of your 7th house. I must admit, my info here is very scarce. But I have found a few cases of people that seem to be drawn to artists that represent some trait of the sign on their 7th house cusp.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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