Do You Know Who Amy Winehouse Was?

Question by : Do you know who Amy Winehouse was?
What drove her? Why was she in so much pain? Why all the drugs and alcohol? In her song, “Rehab”, she states she won’t ‘go, go, go to rehab, now she’s gone and it’s ‘Back to Black’ for her family. Tragically, her
songs reflect the ‘issues’ of her life, and her songs seemingly foretold the events that were to come. Why would a father say his daughter was fine, when she isn’t? She sings out that pain in her signature song,’Rehab’, “daddy says I’m fine.” He also states in many interviews…”Amy is fantastic!”
Amy was a self tattooed,”Daddy’s girl”, why wasn’t ‘Daddy’ watching out for his little girl? Why is she dead?
Why wasn’t rehab successful? What were Amy Winehouses dark secrets? A beautiful girl with an incredible talent, huge talent, why wasn’t she happy? She loved and lost? Why did Amy leave earth so soon? Did she complete her mission? What was her mission? How can ‘we’ learn from her tragic death?

Best answer:

Answer by Asiya
her manic depression (what she said), & once again her issues with herself, it gave her relief and escape from her inner feelings, because at times she stopped, & he did love her and tried to help the best he could but no one knows exactly what happened, Rehab didn’t fix the problem, and money and looks don’t give happiness, happiness comes from within oneself, yes she completed her mission which was her voice to be heard, have a first love and experience a lot in life that many other’s don’t have the chance to do. & We can learn from her death if we have a problem don’t use drugs and alcohol and to get the professional help we need 🙂

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