Do You Know What CHEMTRAILS Are?

Question by Lara: Do you know what CHEMTRAILS are?
I spent most of the day outside yesterday… Normally I would have enjoyed such a lovely sunny day.. but the more I looked up the more outraged I became. The day started out warm with a clear blue sky. Then.. As the day went on, I saw jets flying back and forth across the sky leaving giant white lines across the sky… Those white lines didn’t disappear, they spread like someone blowing a line of sand. All day I was watching these planes make clouds that covered the entire sky. Not a single cloud up there was a natural one. It made me so sick to watch it..

Most of my friends have already heard all about Chemtrails from me. It bugs me to no end so I’m constantly pointing them out. For those of you who don’t know what a chemtrail is.. Allow me to explain. Jets like commercial airliners sometimes leave visible trails of condensed water vapor made by the exhaust of aircraft engines. As the hot exhaust gases cool in the surrounding air they may precipitate a cloud of microscopic water droplets. If the air is cold enough, this trail will comprise tiny ice crystals, thus producing a man made cloud. HOWEVER! With REAL contrails, the cloud disappears as the ice crystals melt. That is how you can tell the difference between a Chemtrail and a Contrail. Chemtrails look like contrails at first, but they last hours, even all day. Usually they don’t stay as lines, they spread out and look like wispy Cirrus clouds. These chemtrails they are making are made with CHEMICALS! One of these such chemicals called aluminum oxide, is found as the primary component of these reflective clouds, and it can have serious medical side effects and may well explain the upsurge in Alzheimer’s disease in the US–which is reaching epidemic proportions.
I think it is also clear that the government has been experimenting with different types and mixes of chemicals, which explains why the observations and effects differ over time. Over the past several years, there were many sightings of sticky droplets falling from the sky, trailing spider-web-like strands behind. Upon contact they made people very ill. Later chemical analysis has shown a lot of aluminum oxide and micro fibers, also composed of barium and aluminum. People living under these spray patterns have developed Alzheimer’s-like symptoms. They have found dozens of harmful chemicals in the rain on days with heavy chemtrails. There are many reasons they spray these chemicals into the atmosphere. One of these is weather modification. As expected, the US continues to deny any spraying as well as any experimentation in weather modification. The media is totally complicit in this cover-up as well. The allegations have been widespread over the internet for years. Thousands of inquiries have gone out to the media over the years and not once has the major media ever done a story on this issue. The health consequences are huge. Even the politically correct environmental movement has had no luck in pressing the media for coverage. There is no way to explain the media’s refusal to investigate or give coverage to this story except that they are fully aware of it and are under bogus “national security” orders to spike the story.

A US Air Force Colonel, according to Thomas, told a senator: “The Air Force is not conducting any weather modification and has no plans to do so in the future.” But as Thomas retorts, “In fact, attempts to steer hurricanes by spraying heat-robbing chemicals in their paths began in the 1950s. The recipe for creating ‘cirrus shields’ was outlined in an unusually arrogant US Air Force study. Subtitled, ‘Owning the Weather by 2025,’ the 1996 report explained how weather force specialists were dispersing chemicals behind high-flying tanker aircraft in a process the air force calls ‘aerial obscuration.’” Sounds just like what people are describing as chemtrails. Even members of Congress know about Chemtrails. The term is in the list of prohibited Space activities of Rep. Kucinich’s HR 2977 “Space Preservation Act.” Because of the variety of different chemicals used in Chemtrails over the past 10 years and the changing patterns of spraying, I’m convinced the government is still experimenting and hasn’t actually found a predictable way yet to harness the weather. Sadly, this only means the secret experiments will continue and people will suffer.

There are dozens of other reasons they spray. I could sit here all night and type but what I really want to know is how many of you noticed all the jet trails in the sky and did you think anything was strange about them before reading this? And have you or anyone you know had any problems with ”allergies” lately, when they didnt think they were allergic to anything before..
I explained the difference between ‘normal jet trails’ and chemtrails. Normal Jet trails are made of ICE CRYSTALS… Those melt after only a few seconds. If you look closely the two and ACTUALLY PAID ATTENTION.. then you would notice the BIG differences they have.
Gotta love it when you talk about anything taboo and they call you a conspiracy theorist. Wow… The conditioning in TV these days must be astounding. Ignorance really must be bliss for some.
Thanks end the fed.. Tho as you can see its like arguing with little children when all your trying to do is show a point. This is a picture I took above my house… This was just passenger jets doin this right? What a joke…
This is one of the best videos Ive seen on the subject.. Plus you can see it get turned on and off clear as day
Wanderer I appreciate your input on the subject, however I think you went a little overboard. This isnt some silly little conspiracy theory. We are one of the only countrys that doesnt admit to spraying chemicals into the atmosphere. Governments have been doing it since they started weather modification testing in World War 2. You need to read some articles that scientists have done. They have done tests and found harmful chemicals in these man made clouds. They arent made up of ice. Ive done alot more research then watching youtube videos believe me. Ive gone out and recorded these planes and have videos of them turning the strayers on and off. Thats why i liked the video I posted. I was trying to get people to pay attention and do the research. This fits in with the New World Orders plans. They found chemicals that ‘sensitises our lungs and makes us more ceceptable to disease. You need to do more research. The rabbit hole goes deeper then you think.

Best answer:

Answer by Veritas odium parit
Short answer, jet exhaust. That is all.

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