Do I Have a Mental Disorder?Plss Help?
Question by heyy: do i have a mental disorder?plss help?
i am absolutely desperate. i want to know if everyone is like me or something is wrong with me.
about my self?
i have use drugs bu havent lately and im trying to stay away from them. i have mood swings like plenty in just 1 day. i am sexually active. i often think about how i wish things were or would of happend. i sometimess wanna be succesful in lofe and others times i can care less and just wanna get high. sometimes i think about suicide. i hate my parent…mostly my dad(hes an alcoholic).
can someone plzz help me and tell wether theres something wrong with me
and do i have a mental disorder? if so which one?
Best answer:
Answer by Ben
We can’t tell you what you might have. We’re just people on the internet. I would tell all of that to a counselor or a doctor. They will be able to tell you what you have.
Answer by redspike9
You sound like a normal teenager to me. Well, except for the drugs. Most kids don’t do drugs so I’m glad you’re trying to stay away.
As far as the sex goes. Be sure to use some kind of protection while having sex so you don’t get pregnant. You think your life is tough now? Then have a baby and see how much tougher it can be! Also you don’t want any diseases. Nope, not fun!
Everything else gets better when you get older and away from your loopy parents.
Good luck!
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