Do Amphetamines and Nervous Stimulants Like Cocain Increase Intelligence?

Question by Ashton G: Do amphetamines and nervous stimulants like cocain increase intelligence?
Looking for a sceintific answer based on the immediate short term effects and for an answer to be based on someone using it occasianally and recreationaly. No preachy answers please. Remember people are prescribed amphetamines long term for symptons of fatigue and inattention.
I don’t get why anyone assumed I was interested in illegal drug use. I’m prescribed amphetamines for narcalepsy and innatention just curious of the affect these would have on a standardized IQ test. Does the speeding up of neurons necceserilly mean quicker thinking? Kenetic intelligence I beleive would be improved.

Best answer:

Answer by freesumpin
Ha ha! I remember wondering myself a long time ago! Short term effects; I felt like my brain was smarter and accessing more places quicker. It increases the firing of the neurons! But it took my hurt little brain a few days (or longer) to recover. “It always seemed worth it at the time,” eh? And it always seems fun until the lights go out and it was time to, uh, ‘fall asleep’ staring at the ceiling.
You know what I’m talking about?

In my humble opinion it is NOT worth it. It’s good you’re asking; you have doubts. It occasionally and recreationally burns your brains.

The amounts of prescribed amphetamines are very low compared to amounts recreational users do. Don’t fool yourself on THAT one, Bro!

Good luck.

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