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ABC reporter Lloyd 10 months jail
Image by publik16
Jailed…Peter Lloyd was arrested in July on drugs charges.
ABC reporter Peter Lloyd has been sentenced to 10 months’ jail by a Singapore court.
Lloyd has pleaded guilty to three drugs charges.
He has been sentenced to four months each on charges of possessing and consuming the drug methamphetamine.
He will also serve two months in prison for having utensils for consuming the drug.
The 42-year-old former foreign correspondent was arrested in a Singapore hospital in July.
He was handcuffed and taken to Changi prison after saying goodbye to his distressed former wife, Kirsty McIvor.
Earlier his lawyer had told the court that Lloyd wanted to be reunited with his nine-year-old son, who is seriously ill.
Lloyd, 42, appeared before Singapore’s subordinate court, where a judge, Hamidah Ibrahim, handed down the sentence.
It had been thought that by the bribe he [allegedly paid to Singaporian authorities] the dropping of an earlier trafficking charge against Lloyd augured well for a lesser sentence.
The trafficking charge carried a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and 15 strokes of a rattan cane, an excruciatingly painful punishment.
Quote: If you’ve got money you can buy your way out of anything. Lloyed is very lucky really not to be doing a quick 20 years in a rat-infested dungeon with 20 people. But I guess even 10 months would be a problem for him as he’s never been to prison. Lets hope he can honestly report his experience to help others instead of the propaganda reported by the ABC.