Cocaine Habit Might Speed Brain Aging

Cocaine Habit Might Speed Brain Aging

Filed under: drug abuse cocaine

TUESDAY, April 24 (HealthDay News) — Chronic cocaine use may speed up brain aging, a new study suggests. British researchers scanned the brains of 60 people with cocaine dependence and 60 people with no history of substance abuse, and found that those …



Bioethics think tank's ties to pain pill industry studied

Filed under: drug abuse cocaine

Abuse of these potentially addictive pain medications has become a national epidemic and accounts for more overdose deaths than heroin and cocaine combined. About 5 million people had used the drugs recently without a prescription, a federal survey …



The Use of Cocaine in Party Culture

Filed under: drug abuse cocaine

“A lot of times, whatever the person's doing, if they are doing a substance like that they're pretty wasted,” White said. According to Stephanie Older of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, cocaine is defined as a powerfully addictive central nervous …



Congress and Drug Control

Filed under: drug abuse cocaine

Yes, the bill did include enhanced criminal penalties for crack cocaine offenses, but Mr. Riley fails to understand the context in which the Anti-Drug Abuse Act was passed. In the 1980s the nation faced a severe drug abuse epidemic caused primarily by …



Visions Adolescent Treatment Centers The Bong Show


Visions, the premier Malibu based teen drug and alcohol treatment centers, created this visual show and tell demo on all the ways kids are using drugs right under their parents noses.



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