Chances That She Is Still a Drug Addict?

Question by somewhat_med: Chances that she is still a drug addict?
I saw my ex best friend whom I haven’t seen in 2 years this past weekend. She told me she is a “recovered drug addict”, do drug addicts actually ever “recover”?
She was snorting coke, smoking crack, taking Oxycontins, Methadone and other various pain pills. She said she quit doing the drugs by going to NA meetings, but didn’t go to any treatment facilities or seek counseling. She says she has been clean for a year, but has a had a “couple” slip ups. She was acting extremely happy and energetic when I saw her, but she refused to look me in the face when she was speaking to me. I’m just wondering what are the chances that she really is clean, I always thought you had to detox, then go to rehab or something for a while to truly quit.

Best answer:

Answer by minah
you don’t have to go to rehab, but you don’t recover you are recovering for the rest of you life. You are always a recovering addict, not recovered. as soon as you think you are recovered you relapse because you think you have it licked and you try one hit . There is no such thing as one in recovery . I am a recovering addict ,have not had a drug or drink in 16 years. But I only have today I will always be recovering never recovered.

Answer by jam
Im sorry to say but chances are high. you know the saying: once an addict always an addict? the chances of them getting out from that vice is slim, but with proper supervision an addict will eventually be rid of that material provided that he / she will never get the means to get it ever again. If you have a friend who’s an addict and you want to help, the best thing you can do is to watch over him/ her even if it takes a lifetime.

Counseling part 1

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