Candida Symptoms and Cures – Simple Ways to Treat Yeast Infections

Candida Symptoms and Cures – Simple Ways to Treat Yeast Infections

Candida symptoms and cure are simple enough and although many women believe they know the signs that they have candida, the symptoms can also be confused with other conditions such as bacterial vaginosis. If you are at all unsure, you should consult with a health professional.

Candida is a fungus which is normally present in the body and usually causes no symptoms. Under certain circumstances, an overgrowth may occur and this is where the problems begin. Under normal circumstances, the beneficial bacteria in the body is easily able to naturally control the levels of candida but when an overgrowth occurs, the unpleasant symptoms start. Why this occurs isn’t fully understood, but some common factors may include diabetes, taking the birth control pill, eating a poor diet or taking antibiotics.

Candida can cause inflammation of the vagina and the surrounding tissues. Irritation of the tissues. An unpleasant vaginal odor, a thick, “clumpy” white discharge and cystitis-like symptoms. In addition, you may have some none-specific symptoms such as headaches, being generally run down, depression and joint pain and these may change over time.

Candida symptoms and curea are closely related. If you have very mild symptoms, there is a chance that it will clear up itself. If you have had repeat attacks, it is highly likely that the candida is remaining in the body, flaring up from time to time. Drug-based creams can be used. these are normally applied locally and can give almost instant relief. However, they are unlikely to treat the root cause. For repeated infections, you should consider using natural treatments as these are more likely to be a permanent solution.

One excellent natural candida cure is probiotic yogurt. This is rich in Lactobacillus, a beneficial bacteria which is normally present in the body and can usually keep candida in check. Depleted supplies can contribute to candida and it is therefore important to strengthen lowered supplies. You can either eat the probiotic yogurt-a small pot daily will help-or you can soak a tampon in the yogurt and insert it directly into the vagina.

Another promising treatment for candida symptoms is tea tree oil. This powerful natural antibacterial oil can be added to a warm bath or used in pessary form directly into the vagina.

There is a systematic treatment which completely guarantees to quickly cure you of a yeast infection. You will begin to feel relief within a few hours and will be free of all symptoms within a few days as the treatment works to eradicate the cause, rather than just treating the symptoms. Please see Home Remedies For Yeast Infection for further useful information. You can be completely free of candida symptoms and cure the condition within a remarkably short space of time.

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